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Mr. Know-All, The Lotus Eater  (аудиокнига MP3 на CD MP3)

На иностранных языках. Maugham William Somerset / Моэм Уильям Сомерсет
Mr. Know-All, The Lotus Eater (аудиокнига на CD)

Исполняет: Anissa Naouai
Жанр: На иностранных языках
Жанр: Роман
Время звучания: 1 ч. 1 мин.
Количество дисков: 1
Язык: английский

Цена: 119.00 руб.

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  "Mr. Know-All, The Lotus Eater " - Уильям Сомерсет Моэм – один из самых популярных английских писателей XX века. Психологическая обстоятельность, емкость в изображении характеров и их обстановки, лаконичность и изящество письма – вот основные прелести рассказов Моэма. Недаром его величают «английским Мопассаном». В предлагаемом издании Вы можете прослушать рассказы: Mr. Know-All The Lotus Eater Аудиокнига записана носителем языка (UK). Тексты рассказов представлены на диске, что позволяет синхронизировать визуальное чтение и прослушивание аудиокниги. Издание рассчитано на широкий круг лиц, интересующихся английским языком и литературой. The Lotus Eater (1945) is tells of Thomas Wilson, who comes to the island of Capri in Italy for a holiday. He is so enchanted with the place that he gives up his job in London and decides to live the rest of his life without any cares in Capri. He save just enough money to survive for a specific duration if time, and although not stated in the story, the assumption is that he would commit suicide after that. After that duration of time, he continued staying in the small cottage he had been staying in since he moved to Capri until the owner finally told him that he had to leave. He then tried to commit suicide by putting on fire in the cottage without opening the fireplace. He survived. Only to become insane. He was described to be like an "animal". The irony of this story is that the reason Wilson decided to move to Capri was because he was bored of his "everyday routine" of working in the bank, when there he was in Capri he did the same things everyday, like the "routine" he had in London.

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